Organizational Development Concepts
Keeping your people and organizational systems actualized for organizational leadership and change

Essence of the High-Performing Organizational Development Formula

When actualizing human factors of organizational systems are effectively deployed for functional interdependence and organizational synergy, you could achieve high performing organizational change and developpment, build high performing teams, and foster organizational leadership and culture. This is the basis or essence of the high-performing organizational development formula.

Simply put, the high-peforming organizational development formula—or the formula for high performing organizational change and development—is this: To create and sustain organizational leadership and culture,—and to build high perfoming teams, and manage organizational change—, integrate the development of people's actualizing attributes with similar attributes in organizational systems, technologies, and processes.

The formula translates to fostering organizational change and development, building high performig teams, and building organizational leadership and culture from actualizing people and actualizing organizational systems.

Focusing on people's key attributes and key organizational systems

Steps to High-Performing Organizational Development

The underlying principle for the high-performing organizational development formula is the total organization poise principle, which is:
When people are at their best and the organizational systems, processes, and technologies are optimised, well-honed and integrated, an organization could get to a level where it could attain and sustain desired results.

The high-performing organizational change and development formula,—also called the total organization poise development formula,—involves undertaking the following three key actions or steps in any organizational development initiative,—including building high performing teams, managing and leading change in organizations and the workplace, and building organizational leadership and culture:
1. Value and enhance the quality of your people,—making them self-actualizing.
2. Develop the key people and organizational or business elements that play significant roles in organizational systems and subsystems—such that they are well-poised to actualize their functions and processes sustainably.
3. Simultaneously foster effective synergy of your people's actualizing attributes and excellence of organizational systems, strucutres, technologies, and processes—ensuring harmonious functional interdependencies.

To sustain organizational leadership and culture, behavioral metrics that help foster the three actions should be factored into the performance management systems.

Facilitating effective organizational synergy and harmonious functional interdependencies

Emphasis on Developing the Total Organization

When actualizing human elements of organizational systems are effectively and strategically developed and deployed, people would be positioned to sustain organizational leadership and change. This is the heart of the total organization poise development concept.

The total organization poise development concept is this: Critical to building and sustaining high-performing organizational development and change, all actualizing attributes of the people and aspects of the organizational systems, processes, and structures that have functional interdependencies should be in top condition and operate and interact optimally and harmoniously.

This means that all the key people and systems of the organization are nurtured, empowered, aligned and positioned to be the best they could be in order to give the best they could give in such a way as to advance the competitive and strategic interest of the organization or business. Making this possible is the remit of total or high-performing organizational development, and it involves adopting the total organizational development concept and framework.

Organizational Commitment to a Culture of Excellence

Emphasis on Developing the Total Organization

In the corporate world, a business would accomplish breakthrough performance and approximate excellence when all its organizational systems—particularly its integrating, managerial and social systems, which drive, coordinate and align all the other systems—are in top condition.

Underpinning the total organizational poise concept is a commitment to excellence. A commitment that sees excellence in terms of continuous organizational improvement in all key aspects—with emphasis on human factors and socio-technical elements—in order to be the best while simultaneously demonstrating character and integrity. That is, to be the best, and keep being so, in wholesome ways.

Designing Organizational Change and Development Projects

Applications of the High-Performing Formula

The use to which you put the high-performing organizational development formula is varied and depends on effectively designing your organizational change and development projects to meet your strategic or competitive needs. You could use the high-performing formula, and the total organization poise development concept, as an integral part of special organization workshops and leadership development workouts, roundtables, corporate visioning sessions, strategic thinking circles and 360 degree events in the process of e.g.,:

  • Managing organizational change
  • Organizational design and redesign
  • High-performance culture building
  • Team building
  • Leadership development
  • Organizational assessment or review
  • Organizational culture assessment
  • Human resource systems review
  • Developing performance management systems
  • Proactive collaboration and productive engagement.

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