Organizational Development Model
Facilitating actualizing attributes of organizational systems for high-perfomance organizational change and development

Integrated Organizational Change and Development Model

The 'total organization' development model is integrated with the total organizational development framework.

Total organization development involves facilitating actualizing attributes of key elements—including human factors—of the organizational systems simultaneously with fostering harmonious and effective functional interdependencies in the organizational systems, subsystems, processes, and technologies. It is linked with—and supports—your business vision, strategy, and competitive drive. Total organizational development is facilitated by using the total organizational development model, called the FEDAR™ system, which has five key phases or steps from which it derives its name:

  • Focusing
  • Enabling
  • Designing
  • Aligning
  • Reviewing
  • Exploring the five key steps to high-performing organizational leadership and culture

    Making Organizational Development Fit for Purpose

    The total organizational development model, the FEDAR™ system, is an efficient and robust model for building high-performance organizational leadership and culture, designing organizational systems and processes, and managing organizational change and team building for desired results.

    The FEDAR™ system incorporates the use of a versatile organizational change and development process technology reflexively and responsively in each of the five key phases—and each phase would include organizational training and themed organization workshops, roundtables, and leadership workouts.

    Download The FEDAR™ System in PDF Here

    Diagnosing and defining organizational status

    OD Model Phase 1: Focusing

    Focusing—through diagnosing and defining the critical elements and attributes of the organizational systems. Identifying and clarifying the strategic or competitive situation, challenges and key factors—highlighting significant processes, systems, technologies, facets, dynamics and functional interdependencies.

    Facilitating enabling factors for desired results

    OD Model Phase 2: Enabling

    Enabling actions that help define, establish, assess and shape the level of organizational awareness and understanding—including the organization’s current weaknesses and strengths viz -a -viz critical requirements, standards, or components for desired results—and determining current level of organizational commitment. Highligting and assessing organizational commitment of resources—creating an enabling environment, and agreeing the design features and attributes of the organizational change, development or culture building project.

    OD Model Phase 3: Designing

    Designing collaboratively and insightfully people's actualizing attributes and organizational integrating factors. Working simultaneously on people and systems elements using the design model and attributes.

    Actualizing for sustainabilty

    OD Model Phase 4: Aligning

    Aligning the organization's people actualizing attributes with interdependent organizational elements—while working on enhanced level of harmonious functional interdependencies in the organization. Using, in particular, the organizational development process technology to integrate people’s actualizing attributes with excellence in organizational systems—and building effective organizational synergy.

    OD Model Phase 5: Reviewing

    Reviewing the renewed organization or state-of-affairs, being cognizant of its strengths and the effective synergy of functional interdependencies, and positioning them to sustain high performance—and adopting reflexive monitoring and evaluation to sustain the desired results.

    Proactive collaboration and productive engagement.

    Technical Assistance and Partnership

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