Organizational Development Team Leader
Tools, Books, and Inventories for Successful Organizational Change and Development

Organizational Development Tools

We provide various organizational development tools, books, inventories, diagnostics, checklists, pdf, and guides you would find helpful for high-performance organizational interventions and for promoting organizational effectiveness. They include free OD downloads.

Teamwork Building Activities

The productive and sure route to building high performing teams is objective, focused, and consistent review of team quality and teamwork, upon which relevant teamwork building activities are developed and implemented. Learn how 'Analyze Your Teamwork for Success! Inventory' could help you in your teamwork building initiative.

‘Analyze Your Teamwork for Success!’ inventory helps you in the fundamental analysis of teamwork in your business. Analyze Your Teamwork for Success! comes in two complementary parts:

Part 1, called Teamwork Fundamentals (in PDF), covers teamwork fundamentals and team optimization exercises. The blueprint provides each team member the basic knowledge on the essence of high team performance as well as what they should be doing for ultimate team success.

Part 2, called Teamwork Inventory (in PDF), has two primary sections, helping your teams to analyze teamwork and develop a sense of commitment on teamwork and team building for high performance.

A Leader Guide (in PDF) for facilitating the analysis of teamwork is also included.

Price: $8.0

Buy 'Analyze Your Teamwork for Success' (Zip).

Offering handy OD tips

OD Synergy Digest on the Ultimate Corporate Mission

OD Synergy Digest gives you briefs and handy tips on topical issues and best practices, processes, and systems towards effective organizational synergy and sustainable organizational development. It also focuses on key concepts, models, technologies and practices that promote synergy of personal and corporate excellence or total organization poise development.

The OD Synergy Digest, The Ultimate Corporate Mission and How to Achieve It (in PDF) discusses two key questions:

  • What is the ultimate corporate mission?
  • What is the ultimate key to achieving it?

It posits that 'unless there is a focused and painstaking effort to achieving the synergy of personal and corporate excellence, organizations would experience difficulties, if not frustrations.'

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Managing sustainable high performance effectively and imaginatively

OD Synergy Books and Guides

One of the most difficult challenges facing organizations today is the ability to manage sustainable high performance effectively and imaginatively. Besides, leadership development is an ever present challenge for many businesses and organizations.

Making self-leadership building viral is one important way to handle this challenge. This means fostering self-motivated people with self-leadership skills through out your business!

The Self-Leadership for High Performance Guide (PDF) helps you promote better and more fulfilled high-performance people in your organization. The Self-Leadership for High Performance Guide is an effective business-wide tool you could use for self-motivated, self-managed high performance among your people.


Offering insightful hints to help foster effective organizational synergy

OD Synergy Notes and Briefs

OD Synergy Notes and Briefs offer handy tips and insightful hints to help foster effective organizational synergy and sustain organizatinonal high-performance, leadership and change.

The Commitment Factor

At the heart of sustainable high performance in organizations is this truism: People give their best to a cause when they are committed to it. This is the commitment factor in operation, and no human systems could attain sustainable breakthrough performance or excellence without it. Your organization would advance further in the direction of ultimate high performance with The Commitment Factor.

The ‘Commitment Factor’ operates in your organization when your people—spontaneously and consistently—plan collaboratively, engage themselves creatively, support each other to achieve targets, and work cooperatively to sustain high performance.

Five primary conditions which underpin ‘the commitment factor’ are explored in the OD Synergy Note, 'The Commitment Factor' (PDF).
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White papers providing insghts towards organizational effectiveness

OD Synergy and Organizational Effectiveness White Papers

OD Synergy and Organizational Effectiveness White Papers offer insights in specific areas of organizational effectiveness, change and leadership.

White Paper—Taming Corporate Frauds from the Root

Corporate frauds strike at the heart of organizational effectiveness, integrity, and synergy.

Taming corporate frauds from the root would enhance organizational effectiveness and promote a healthy organizational climate.

The focus of the white paper 'Taming Corporate Frauds from the Root' (PDF) is the financial integrity of organizations. 'Corporate fraud' is conceptualized as 'fraud perpetrated against and within an organization by employees, management or some other stakeholders.' The white paper adopts behavioral perspectives on understanding and taming corporate frauds. Key programmatic actions which top management could undertake to tame corporate frauds are discussed.

White Paper